May 5, 2008

Thought for 05.05.08

I realize that I am at times like the annoying child for whom “Because!” is an insufficient answer to my persistent question “Why?”

Tobias Haller BSG


  1. The child is only annoying because the parents feel challenged.
    Good parents rise to the challenge.
    Keep asking!

  2. I am reminded of what our pastor says to our church about 3 times per week. (I go to daily mass as well!)

    While I adore the man, I am sure he is not the one who thought it up, but it bears repeating...

    There is a reason that Jesus always blessed the children and taught the adults.

    We've been doing it backwards for years.

    So dear child Tobias- keep your questions going so that you may be blessed and the adults instructed in the ways of wisdom.

    Pax my friend.

  3. I sort of gave up asking why awhile back. Got tired of because. Now I pray for patience, wisdom and grace mostly for myself but also for those about whom I am worried.

  4. AnonymousMay 05, 2008

    my own feeling is that "because" is never a good answer, even if it's from God.

    "Why because?"
    "Because I say so."
    "Why you say so?"

    If the only answer to that last question is "Because", it means the answerer has no answer.

  5. The answer "because" can be positive though, since it relieves the questioner of all worry. "Why is there suffering?" "Because" ...
    and therefore we don't need to wrestle until daylight with the problem, but get on and deal with it as it affects us and others.

    Why the cyclone and death in Burma?" "Because ..." now stop asking damn fool questions and send what help and support you can.

  6. Dear Saintly,
    A good point. I do think that question has an answer, however, one that goes beyond "because." It was in the wake of one of the terrific hurricanes of the previous decade that a TV commentator asked the local Florida religious leaders, "Why did this happen?" The leading Evangelical said, "God is punishing the people for their wickedness." The Roman Catholic bishop said, "God is testing his people to show their faith." The Episcopal bishop said, "It's hurricane season." The real question in the current instance isn't so much, 'Why was there such a terrible cyclone?' but 'Why is the government of Myanmar being so obstructive in allowing aid to reach its own people?' In the long run we can do little about the weather, but we can do something about our governments. And, of course, I say that in the knowledge that the policies of our governments do, in the long run, have some effect upon even the weather, as policies influence the larger effects of global climate change. Human agency is, in this instance, is our proper sphere of action, and as you say, let us all do what we can to help those who suffer in this, and other, natural disasters.

  7. Why was there so much destruction of property and loss of life?

    Because you all did not learn from the last time it was rainy was hurricane season...etc.

    Because you insist on building communities on little wiffs of island, that are little more than sandbars.

    Because you build resorts on the tip of a peninsula, a sitting target for any passing storm.

    Because you destroyed the marshes and wetlands that act as a storm surge barrier.

    Becauser you build cities and towns on the beach, barely a meter above sealevel and 15 meters from the waters edge.

    Because you build cities and towns on a floodplain.

    Because you arrogantly believe that you can outsmart Mother Nature, instead of learning to live with her.

  8. Have just read my last comment in which I said: "now stop asking damn fool questions and send what help and support you can." Re-reading it, it now it appears to be a very personal attack on our gracious host. It was not meant that way, and I hope it wasn't misunderstood. It was really a reflection of what I feel God so often says to me when I despair of the tragedies of this world.

    And now I watch the reports from China, the collapsed schools and hospitals, and know that as I sit on my sofa with my mug of coffee, people are gasping for breath and slowly dying under rubble, and I squirm, physically. And the Word comes ... " Don't wonder why, but do what you can."

  9. Dear Saintly,
    No, I understood completely. The thing that troubled me most about the Myanmar situation was the government obstruction -- surely a reason for revolution if ever there was one!

    I continue to commend ERD as a way to focus the efforts, now also in China. May our efforts combine to save whom we can, and commit those who perish to the care of others close to the scene.


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