November 2, 2008

Proposition 8: Unfair and Wrong

If you've not seen this powerful reminder of how far we've come and how far we need to go -- and how far some would like to take us backwards to a society based on injustice, inequality, and bigotry, please click on the appropriate arrow.

Bigots have always thought themselves to be fair, enlightened, and right -- even when they are unfair, ignorant, and wrong. Those who support Prop 8 are no better than any other bigots. That religious sects are among those attempting to "proposition" society should not surprise us: religion is often a comfort to bigotry and a haven for hypocrisy. Kyrie eleison.

Tobias Haller BSG


  1. "That religious sects are among those attempting to "proposition" society should not surprise us: religion is often a comfort to bigotry and a haven for hypocrisy. "

    Very well stated. That those imposing their personal beliefs on others via force of law pretend to be the persecuted ones is what makes it sickening beyond belief.


  2. I exercised my right not to post a comment a few moments ago, solely because it contained a link to some pro-prop-8 propaganda. It came from someone calling itself "prop8discussion" and went like this:

    i'm voting for prop 8 because i think that it has nothing to do with bigotry and everything to do with biology.

    children have a natural right to a mom and a dad. marriage encourages this situation.

    This is not, of course, biology, but precisely bigotry. Prop 8 has absolutely nothing to do with whether children have natural rights to a mixed-sex upbringing -- a point about which a good deal could be argued, since it is far from "natural." If one wanted to use this "principle" to repeal laws allowing for adoption or foster-parents, and ending the ability of mixed-sec couples to divorce, it might make some sense. But two persons of the same sex getting married doesn't necessarily have any impact at all on any children. This is just more of the Red Herring approach that bigots so often take in defending their puerile fears and foibles.

    When people like this try to run a Proposition to outlaw heterosexuals getting divorced, then I might take them seriously. Why doesn't the RCC, which is (on the surface) opposed to divorce, back such a proposition, instead of this one?

  3. My mother and father had to look around to find a priest willing to marry them, because they are of 'seperate races'.

    In 1975. In California.

  4. Just to be fair, I just moderated a comment posted here by a Prop 8 opponent, which contained a link. For the record, here is the text of the post, less the link:

    Reamworks has left a new comment on your post.

    Christians! Don't be fooled by a Mormon LDS trick! Save Christianity and vote NO on proposition 8!...

    You can link to the poster through the profile, if you choose.


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