March 11, 2009

The Book: Reference Index

Reasonable and Holy was to have gone to press last week. As I await word from the publisher on final print availability, I've been busily at work preparing indexes for it, and have posted the first at the blog of that name which will provide such additional resources, and continue the discussion. As I noted earlier, this book is meant to be part of the "listening process" and continued dialogue, so I want to keep that open through the technology of the internet.

The book itself, due to cost considerations (it ended up being forty pages longer than originally planned as it is) lacks an index. So I'm providing such resources at the blog, and will eventually post them also as pdf files which can be printed out and kept with the volume for reference. Having detachable indexes might be a handy tool in any case!

So the first index, of Biblical and Other References, is up at the blog. This will give an idea of the range of materials referenced.

--Tobias Stanislas Haller BSG


  1. Hi, Tobias! I've got my copy on order. I trust all will go well with the printing and you'll soon have a real live copy in your hands (and copies on the way to your eager readers).

    Having an index online sounds like a good idea. It could also tie in with a page where you could add updates or additional references and resources as these come along.

  2. Thanks Mary Clara. I'm hoping that the other blog will be a place for such things as upodates and other references. The great thing about the web it that it can take this kind of work (almost any work, really) to another level.

  3. I'm looking into it.

  4. And belatedly seeing the subtitle, I am ordering it.


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