May 6, 2009

Off to Synod

People who live in Manhattan sometimes wrongly refer to The Bronx as "upstate." How far off they are! I am preparing to head off early tomorrow morning for the meeting of the Provincial Synod of Province II, to be held in Albany, NY, a good 125 miles more "upstate" than I am, and there's a great deal more state to go!

Province II of the Episcopal Church includes all of the dioceses in New York and New Jersey, and as a result of some complicated history, Haiti, the Virgin Islands and the Convocation of American Churches in Europe. I look forward to making some new friends and seeing some old ones.

As the newsletter for the Province announced, I am to be the keynote speaker at the Synod banquet on Thursday Evening, addressing the theme of Ubuntu. I'll post my remarks here after I return.

Tobias Stanislas Haller BSG


  1. From your picture in the newsletter, the group will be expecting a teenage keynote speaker. Oh, bad me! You are quite young-looking for your age, but....

    Godspeed, Tobias, break a leg, and have a lovely time.

  2. Yes... I was going to say something about that picture. It's about 15 or 20 years old. I will say I've aged gracefully, but not miraculously!

  3. My copy of your book has been shipped, cher Tobias! It's on the way.

  4. Meanwhile, I just got an email:

    he following items have been shipped to you by
    Qty Item Price Shipped Subtotal

    --------------------------------------------------------------------- items (Sold by, LLC):

    1 Reasonable and Holy: Engag... $12.24 1 $12.24

    Shipped via UPS

  5. I got my copy of your book this afternoon! I am excited and will start reading soon. I hope I can share some of this with my daughter, who is gay and agnostic.

  6. And growing up in Westchester County, I used to get annoyed when they referred to *us* as being "upstate"! I suppose it all depends on your perspective.



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