September 17, 2011

Quick Reviews 09.17.11

My reactions to some things I've seen recently — in condensed form.

The Debt — The BBC’s “MI-5” (aka “Spooks”) with falafel. Slow-starting but builds nicely towards the end. Some fine performances could have done without the mixed efforts at Israeli accents.

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark — visually stunning (in del Toro fashion) but otherwise toothless allegory about old house with IBS. Kudos to the housekeeper and the handyman who seem to bring some emotion to the situation. Stepmom with cell phone and midlife crisis Dad... not so much.

“Torchwood: Miracle Day” — far too long mix of insightful political morality and "Huh?"-inducing SF non sequitur of the most Torchwooden sort. John Barrowman, I had no idea Max Factor had started a line in polyurethane. And career note to Lauren Ambrose: find a script about something other than death.

Tobias Stanislas Haller BSG


  1. I think I heard Ambrose will be starring in a Bdway revival of "Funny Girl": that would count, wouldn't it? ;-/

    My recommendation: go see Higher Ground! Best film re a spiritual journey (which are *hard* to film) since "The Apostle".

  2. Ta, JCF. Will keep an eye on it. Likely to catch it on cable rather than the cinema. Was lucky to see one film upstate and evade the very high ticket prices in the NY metro area!


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