May 1, 2013

How You Know Things Are Changing

The surest sign that things have changed is when people insist they haven't or they can't.

Whenever I hear someone claim that the "definition" is what is important, I quickly remind myself that on the contrary it is what is defined that is important -- and that words change their meanings as the world they describe changes. Few things have changed as much as "marriage."

Thus it is interesting to note that some in the Roman Catholic Church are aware that a new wind is blowing, and things are changing. The fact that some in the RCC now seem to be able to tolerate "civil unions" but hold firm at the word "marriage" indicate that this is the final phase of the logomachia, and the wind of the Spirit, which sometimes must — perhaps always does — start with the world instead of the church, is blowing the change that will turn a settled and intolerant world upside down.

Tobias Stanislas Haller BSG


  1. It once occurred to me that these people are trying to change the definition of the word "definition".

  2. Of course the Roman Hierarchy has always looked at marriage as a lesser state than celibacy; as they have viewed sex as a necessary evil for procreation.

  3. Good one, Thomas. Deacon Charlie, a good example of a special meaning attached to "always"... "The solemn teaching of the Church never changes until we change it." ;-)


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