The church could do worse than follow Jesus. He said adultery was wrong, and expanded the definition even to include lustful eyes — but when faced with an actual adulterer he critiqued her accusers and sent her on her way forgiven. He taught chastity — but when the woman of the streets broke into the banquet and poured out her tears and perfume doubly to anoint him, declared the redemptive quality of her love. So I say to the church today: teach what you will, but bear in mind that your teaching is not the heart of your mission, but forgiveness and love.
—Tobias Stanislas Haller BSG
Oh, God, yes! If only your words could be heard above the rumbles and shrieks. How much better to over-love than to under-love—how much better to take a risk in the direction of caring with only rigid evangelical certainty being the other option. I think that if we continue to remind OURSELVES of the sovereignty of love, and let it expand and fill our OWN lives, that may provide God enough of a foothold to let the grace flow again. Thank you even for the rarity of a blog entry......