July 3, 2008

A Social Gospel

When I look to the Gospels, I find significant support for what is called "the social gospel." I find nothing at all, one way or the other, about faithful, life-long, same-sex relationships, those who live in them, and whether they should be ordained or not. Those who elevate concerns over the latter to the level of "gospel" are the ones who have some explaining to do, not those who feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and give cups of cold water to the thirsty.

Jesus appears, in the Samaritan woman, to have been quite capable of making use of one living in an out-of-wedlock relationship to spread the real Gospel -- the Gospel that points to Messiah. Even broken vessels can still hold their share of living water, and spread it to other thirsty people.

Tobias Haller BSG


G said...

Hmmm. For me, acceptance of same-sex unions is implicit throughout the Gospel, with its promise of deliverance from the burdens of the law, perfect love that casts out all fear, and Our Lord's openness to all who would follow him.

Joe said...

I agree. I like the term "social Gospel," escpecially as a replacement for "social justice." Justice is a means, and an important concept as we sek to interact with political structures, but it seems to me that God is in the Grace business, which goes far beyond mere "justice."

Grace and Peace,

Tobias Stanislas Haller BSG said...

Geoff, I agree about the implicit part; I'm trying to address the explicit here. All of what you mention feeds into a generally supportive implication, as well as his reaction to people whose sexuality or relationships were a challenge to the gatekeepers of the law, most importantly the woman who washed his feet in the Pharisee's house, "for she loved much" and was hence forgiven. Love is the only "work" unto righteousness and the forgiveness of sins, "for love is of God."

Lapinbizarre said...

Thank you. Also appreciate your brief comment on the same subject at Thinking Anglicans.