No on Prop 8
O.K., so the Mac/PC Genre is getting a little thin about now, and this is far from the cleverest use of it; but the issue is so important I encourage others to link to this simple message from friends in California.
The serious and sometimes satirical reflections of a priest, poet, and pilgrim —
who knowing he has not obtained the goal, presses on in a Godward direction.
O.K., so the Mac/PC Genre is getting a little thin about now, and this is far from the cleverest use of it; but the issue is so important I encourage others to link to this simple message from friends in California.
“a clear-sighted companion.... If you are passionate about the vitality of today’s church, I encourage you to accompany him on his mystagogical excursion into the liturgical landscape. You will rediscover a familiar place rife with fresh provisions planted by the God who longs to feed our deepest hungers and hopes.” —Jay Koyle, chair, Faith, Worship and Ministry of The Anglican Church of Canada
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For the next 28 days we must all concentrate our efforts on defeating this onerous proposition!
It's so positive to vote no on this! Wish I lived in CA to vote, but I don't. Hope CA will lead the nation with this popular vote.
I love the guy in the Gladiator garb...he looks like he just stepped out of the illusion the ¨family values groups and Mormons¨ have created for themselves and are trying to dump on others...unfortunately, he still can´t deal with reality...I understand, denial is a multi-purpose sort of progressively self-damaging thing...maybe another a economic/emotional depression will get his attention...hope so, it´s time to retire the belief that he defend a God that needs no defense.
All these YouTube videos are fine, but why are the No on 8 TV ads so lame (I live in California)? All text and no people. Polls now show the measure will pass, and yet I'm not seeing any attention-grabbing ads for the No side.
I don't know, Patrick. I live on the other coast, but if I were in California I'd be doing something to motivate voters to turn out and defeat this proposition. Haven't seen the No on 8 tv ads, but I'll take your word for their lameness.
I have been posting about this a lot- two really close friends in LA are very involved in this issue and many in the blog world too.
The Mormons are donating tons of out of state money to derail the existing marriage laws, it is just so wrong.
It's all about the MONEY. Ads take MONEY to broadcast. The Mormons and others have $10million more than "our side" to spend.
So if you want to help, even if you are from out of state, you can donate to No on Prop 8. You can sign up for phone banks. YOU can HELP US.
And keep my marriage legal.
Thanks for the link, IT. I've made a donation. I also support HRC and a few other organizations that are helping out in this effort. I just hope people don't lose heart or think it's a done deal, and turn out to vote.
I'm also continually shocked by how much so called "religious conservatives" will stoop to lying and threats. They do not have the moral high ground. Hypocrites.
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